Core i7 Ultra ChillTEC

horatio b

May 16, 2009
I swear this is my very very first post, EVER!!!!! not just on Tom's, EVER!!!! I have read plenty of threads and seen how the newB (in this case myself) get's a proper tongue lashing for saying something not so smart. So if this thread exists elsewhere or one similar enough please forgive me and post a link.

Let's get to it. My Build
i7 920
Asus P6T
Ultra ChillTEC
Patriot 1600 (12GB 6x2GB)
Ultra 650watt PSU (Not quite sure which one)

I O/C my CPU to 3.8 but it gets too hot under load: 85C
3.6 : 79C
3.4 : 71C
3.2 : 59C

Are these temps the norm?
My temps are from CoreTemp and RealTemp

Does anyone have a similar setup with lower, safer temps under similar OC settings?
Note: Open Case
Thanks a bunch in Advance. I hope I did not leave out any critical information. Also how did I do for the very first post of my life?
Short explanation: Replace your heatsink. Heck even the "old" Zalman 9700 beats it (price vs performance). A new S1283 will pwn that cooler (in price vs performance and possibly pure performance). I checked the prices and it goes for about $120-140 lol.

Long explanation:
The cooler you have uses a TEC to help cool things. This would have been fine for a low powered system (ie a E6600). Take a look: <== Did you check reviews before buying?

The reason for this is the TEC is not able to deal with the heat output. This is probably on of the worst products ever made for cooling. To use a TEC correctly/well you WILL NEED a watercooling based solution. Even then, you will need a very high powered TEC to cool the i7(~300+Ws for OCing), and TECs like that are hard to get hold of and you will need to do a bit of modding to fit it with a waterblock. You will need a good WC set up to use a TEC also.



Nov 20, 2007
There is no Non-Custom TEC system that can begin to handle the heat of an i7. A custom one built by experianced custom builders would be about $150 for the TEC and dedicated seperate power supply, then another $300 for the watercooling to cool the hot side of the TEC.

There is no need for a TEC unless your wanting sub ambient temps under load.


May 22, 2009
I disagree. I have an Ultra Chilltec cooler on my i7 920. I have it overclocked to 3.4 and my temps are at 35C idle. With full load they have yet to surpass 43C. I do not like the fact that my temp readings on the LCD seem to be 10C lower than what RealTemp and Coretemp display, but its a minor thing. Thus far it seems to always be a constant 10c less reading.

I also have an Open case setup, 2x280 GTX OC that apparantly put out some major heat. I want to have a closed case design but will have to buy a new case for that since my old 5 year old full tower doesn't work with the fans installed due to the 280's.


Nov 20, 2007

How long have you had it? Read more than a few times the plastic on the power connector melts, the plastic mount for the TEC cracks. I use a tech station too. Whats your usual ambients and have you modded the fans like others have?

It's a decent solution but it's not the least trouble free.

horatio b

May 16, 2009
WOW!!!!!! Thanks Guys.... I thought nobody liked me or my post.... I looked at it for like a week. But thank you guys.... from what it sounds like I need a better cooling solution for the i7 at 3.8, to be honest I would like to hit 4GHz. Question is there any settings I can do in the bios that would make it run more efficiently and cooler?

Psycho please elaborate: I had a sub 200 dollar water setup on my last I7 system and the temps at 4Ghz were 30C. I like TEC's but they're not worth it on the I7.

horatio b

May 16, 2009
no2pencil: What temps do you get at 3.8 or 4Ghz under load?

I disagree. I have an Ultra Chilltec cooler on my i7 920. I have it overclocked to 3.4 and my temps are at 35C idle. With full load they have yet to surpass 43C. I do not like the fact that my temp readings on the LCD seem to be 10C lower than what RealTemp and Coretemp display, but its a minor thing. Thus far it seems to always be a constant 10c less reading.

I also have an Open case setup, 2x280 GTX OC that apparantly put out some major heat. I want to have a closed case design but will have to buy a new case for that since my old 5 year old full tower doesn't work with the fans installed due to the 280's.
Psycho please elaborate: I had a sub 200 dollar water setup on my last I7 system and the temps at 4Ghz were 30C. I like TEC's but they're not worth it on the I7.
Imo, you need about $300 (for a quality set up) to just cool a CPU, note that you could sometimes get good deals for a loop. (ie. GTZ block on sale,etc) and can do it with $200-220.


Nov 20, 2007
Yes you would, but put the fan directly on a PSU molex. It needs a lot of power, it will burn the mobo fan controller and probably the speed controller inside the Chilltech. Some who own it have done that.

horatio b

May 16, 2009
WOW! I'm glad I asked. Thanks a lot. however I tried that and it does not spin anywhere close to as fast. When it's on the motherboard fan controller the speed, noise and airflow is incredible. Could this be a result of the yellow wire(sensor)? When I had it directly to the PSU it it was only RED and BLACK.

horatio b

May 16, 2009
Also I need a new case. I have four of these Deltas that my friend removed from some dell servers. I want to get a case that would allow me to put at least three or four in the frontd. Probably in a square config..... or if just three then fit them vertically.....

horatio b

May 16, 2009
Never mind problem solved with the whole molex thing.... I should have connected it to the YELLOW molex and not the RED. I will install this on my ChillTEC and report back with the TEMPS