setting ram to 1066mhz in bios



okay i recently just bought the following:

mobo: asus m3a32-mvp deluxe wi-fi
cpu: amd phenom 9850BE
ram: 2 GB [1 GB X2] DDR2-1066 PC2 8500 Memory Module Corsair Dominator
gfx: sapphire hd4870 512mb

it runs fine in Call of Duty4, but in Team Fortress 2 it crashes about 2minutes into the game with a blue screen for half a second (no chance to read it), i was running vista ultimate however im currently in the process of formatting the 500gb HDD and installing XP again just to check if any of my software/hardware was conflicting.. and to be honest, vista annoyed me!!

But, i have another problem i need assistance in, the mobo defaults my ram at 800mhz, i must change the timings and voltage in the bios manually (which i know how to do i think), but so that it runs 1066mhz, the timings i have found are:

5-5-5-15-T2 and 2.1v

can anyone confirm if the above are correct for my RAM please? and any other ideas as to what the problem with the crashing could be would be awesome too, both gpu and cpu idle at around 42-50degrees and i have increased fan speed on the gpu to 45.



Feb 9, 2007
You can confirm it yourself, download and run CPUZ and click the SPD (Serial Presence Detect) tab and you will see a few different settings, some JEDEC, some EPP (Enhanced Performance Profiles). The RAM you have is actually DDR2 800 which is guaranteed by Corsair to overclock to DDR2 1066. After verifying the timings run Orthos or Prime95 or memtest and verify stability.
Welcome to the forums!

The first step to try and solve your problem is to make the error actually readable. Open your system properties, click the advanced tab and then the settings button under startup and recovery. Uncheck 'Automatically Restart' and OK all of the open windows. Next time a stop error is generated you should be able to see it now.


thanks for the replies on the ram, i did attempt the numbers and on exiting bios and restarting, the monitor is receiving no signal, yet from what i can see everything seems to be running fine, my graphics card now has the following 3 red LED's

D1601 - Red LED On, shows critical temperature fault
D1602 - Red LED On, shows External power connector A was removed
D1603 - Red LED On, shows External power connector B was removed

help!! :(