
Jun 20, 2009
Ok, I'm playing around in the BIOS and wanting to do a modest OC to my i7.

Everywhere I have read says that the default core voltage is 1.2 volts. However, I can't seem to find anything that agrees with that.

According to my BIOS, my CPU core voltage is on default and the CPU target core voltage is 0.94375. My X58 IOH Core Voltage under "chipset voltages" is at a default 1.1v.

I'll just list all of the voltages that are listed:

CPU Voltages
CPU Core Voltage Default
CPU Target Core Voltage 0.94375
1.8V PLL Voltage Setting 1.800V
CPU Clock Amplitude Ctrl 0.800V

Memory Voltages
DRAM Voltage 1.60V
various DIMM# All x0.500

Chipset Voltages
X58 IOH Core Voltage 1.10V
X58 IOH VCCA 1.1V 1.108V
X58 IOH VCCA 1.5V 1.506V
ICH10 SB Voltage 1.506V

Which one of these voltages (if any) do I need to adjust? I'm only wanting around 3.6 ghz after the OC.

Also, my BIOS states that I would have to OC the memory to get higher than 1066. Since I'm running 1600 RAM, would I need to up the DRAM voltage any or would altering the memory bus multiplier and CPU bclock be all I need to do?


if you are only doing 3.6ghz leave everything on auto and you shouldnt have any problems just make sure you leave the turbo enabled or you wont get enough vcore to stay stable and ht should be fine at that speed also, thats what I am using during normal usage, I only manualy increase when I benchmark at which point I disable the HT and the turbo and set Vcore @ 1.38v and mem@ 1.64 and I have got up to 4.5 stable on water.



Jun 20, 2009

K I turned turbo back on and bumped the vcore down to just +10 mV and everything else is stock. I'll let you know if everything works alright.