What does "CS" mean in the back of a DVD drive?


Mar 31, 2010
In the back of my DVD drive there is a place to change your jumpers. THere is master, slave and then CS.

What does the CS mean? What jumper setting should I set if the DVD drive is connected via it's own IDE cable?
CS stands for "Cable Select". Some cables are wired so that the drive is automatically switch to "Master" or "Slave" mode depending on which connector they're plugged into - with that kind of cable you set the drives to "Cable Select" mode.

If you're plugging ONLY the DVD drive into the IDE cable, the safest thing to do is to set it to "Master".
CS stands for "Cable Select". Some cables are wired so that the drive is automatically switch to "Master" or "Slave" mode depending on which connector they're plugged into - with that kind of cable you set the drives to "Cable Select" mode.

If you're plugging ONLY the DVD drive into the IDE cable, the safest thing to do is to set it to "Master".
Ok I stand Corrected, sort of. Since about 2005 almost all cables made are set up correctly as it was cheaper to tool up for one design. You did note that artical was somewhat dated (2002) and the problem was with 40 wire ide cables, not the 80 wire cables.. My self, for the past x # years have only installed 80 wire cables as they have a better signal-to-noise ratio. But I think I have a few of the OLD 40 wire cables.

Take care and enjoy life.