
Apr 13, 2011
HI All,

I've been handed a problem not of my creation, and have been wondering for some time what would be the best way to deal with it.

I have a folder with around 150,00 photos on a server, this server has been capturing stills from a webcam and those who wrote the script didnt see fit to have any automated filing of build into the system.

I want to use these stills to create videos, I need to have then sorted into monthly groups. However, even if I painstakingly download them (trying to select the ~40k files for 1 month through SCP isnt easy) windows locks up and complains endlessly at the sheer volume of files.

Does any one know any good file browse/sort ((e)rs) that will make my life easier?
What are the specs on the system? Maybe more RAM will help here.

You may also try to do a search for a script that can copy and/or move files around based on size/date/whatever. vbscript is a good one to use for Windows, I've used it before to sort and move files about. This would be a good start

Scripting would be much faster and less prone to crashing than doing it manually with the Windows GUI.