
Apr 18, 2011
I am running XP,4GB AMD x4 940 black stock. I have a AMD 5750 1gb in it that chokes. Does anyone play online Combat Arms have this problem? While in Cabin Fever especially The videos will lag to a drop dead halt on some explosions and other graphic bursts when in game users plant many Health packs that glow green and emit floating green + + + signs the more they apply the worse it gets to a point that I feel like I am floating and have little control of my self. There are also other items that cause similar problems such as exploding scores that blossom small to large HEAD SHOT Or MULTI KILLS etc... is my card choking on overload or CPU or GPU or what? Other people don't seem to have the problem at all but many complain to some degree or another!!!??? HELP!!!!
This only happen in this game or is it just that this is the only game you play? Items placed in game can easily cause lag, but that video card and CPU should be able to process it fine. Have you tried changing video settings? Driver updates?

Could be in-game lag caused by the connection also when things get busy.