Looking for a Microsoft Force Feedback 2 joystick!


Apr 27, 2011
I need to find another joystick, as mine has gone on the Fritze! I am on foodstamps & Social Security, so I have to get one as inexpensively as possible. At the same time I realise that one only gets what you pay for, and I don't want to spend $40.oo and have to replace the thing in a couple of months. I bought my present one in about 2000, and so I thinnk I have had good value out of it. The little button on the circuit boad that fires the machine guns has become very insensative. I tried taking it apart, and superglueing a tiny protusion on the back of the trigger, so as to give added pressure on that button, but it was to no avail. I have had about four replies via Tom's Hardware, but they all have subtitles I am supposed to follow, and not being a geek, I find it very confusing. What I need is someone to write me an e-mail, (In good clear English, a language in wich I am fluent!) telling me where, how, who, and a price estimate where I can get a similar joystick in good condition. Being retired, I miss being able to fly my game very much. I only flyCombat sims. I know some guys like to fly Boeing 747's to London or Paris and back, but to me this would be extremely B-O-R-I-N-G! I like to get ME 109's and Focke Wulf 190's in my sights, and send them down in flames.
As a boy in Londo during the 1940's, the Huns terrified me on a couple of occasions, and I am still getting my own back! So any help any fellow enthusiast can give to to find a replacement joystick, would be most appreciated. Yours sincerely,
Johnnie Roper.