Question about tinting and thermal paste application


Apr 13, 2009
Hey guys. I am getting ready to put together my i5-750 build. I had a question about thermal paste application.

I am looking at the instructions on Arctics website. I am using Arctic silver 5.

They say to clean both the cpu and heatsink with alcohol.

Then "tint" both. Basically just rub in some paste with a credit card and then get it all off with a coffee filter. This leaves a "tint" on the surfaces.

Then apply a vertical line of paste over the cpu. Press down with the heatsink and mount. Done.

Does this sound ok? It's their specific instructions for the i5-750.

I have just never heard of anyone doing the whole "tinting" thing. I wanted to make sure it wasn't uncommon.

What they are describing is more like a haze, like you get when you wax your car. The "haze" fills mirco-pits on the CPU and Heatsink. The vertical line of AS5 is compressed between the CPU and the heatsink when you attach the heatsink to the motherboard to fill any gaps between the CPU and heatsink. It works well.
What they are describing is more like a haze, like you get when you wax your car. The "haze" fills mirco-pits on the CPU and Heatsink. The vertical line of AS5 is compressed between the CPU and the heatsink when you attach the heatsink to the motherboard to fill any gaps between the CPU and heatsink. It works well.


Apr 13, 2009

Ok cool. I had just planned on following their steps exactly but I had never heard of the whole tinting process. I didn't want to try some method that people recommend against.

Good to know and thanks a lot!

You're welcome.
Your post reminded me that I had wanted to change my own HSF orientation, which I did today when I got home from work!