Can you overclock an AppleMac


Sep 7, 2010

This may be a bit of a troll....

Check this page out :-

Apple outrageous statement 1:-

"the Apple mac is designed to be a better computer"

:) My question... A better computer then what? a circa 2005 PC?

Apple outrageous statement 2:-

"It comes with software you'll love to use"

:) My counter statement; well, my brother went to work abroad and he got a free apple mac from the place he works, he can not stand it and is going to spend £1000 on a normal PC rather then use the £1100 apple mac the gave him for free. He said the software is hopless for what he wants to do, and it freezes for upto 20minutes a time with no reason or error often.

Apple outrageous statement 3:-

"It comes with the worlds most advanced OS"

:eek: Really? its that much better then windows 7? how, and who 'measured' this to work out it was 'most advanced'??

Apple outrageous statement 4:-

"It runs office and works with your existing PC files"

:lol: So hang on a minute? I'm confused, It uses traditional PC software right? Kind of like a PC does....

Apple outrageous statement 5:-

"Its compatible with stuff"

:heink: "stuff".... seriously, "stuff"?!?! You can can plug things in and they work, my PC can do that and 9 times out of 10 i dont have to use an install disc or anything, Windows 7 sorts everything out for me.. So again, it does what a PC has been doing for decades.

Apple outrageous statement 6:-

"It doesn't get PC viruses"

:whistle: Well PC's don't get mac viruses but read this Quote from an artical in 'the inquirer'
"Tyler Reguly, a senior security research engineer with Ncircle told the newnewinternet that if you take a look at the two platforms, and the mindsets of the companies behind them, then the Windows PC wins hands down. He said that the Mac ships with more exploitable vulnerabilities already on a system when it is delivered. Further, Eric Johanson, a security researcher pointed out that the Mac OS X has far more published vulnerabilities per user than Windows.
However Apple is also actually more insecure because of the attitude of its customers. A computer's security, if it exists, is only as good as the user. Unfortunately in the case of the Mac the user is a smug, technologically illiterate person who believes they are invulnerable because they use a Mac. Such people randomly press buttons, visit sites that sensible people don't and download things carelessly because Apple's marketing tells them they are safe."

(full artical here )

Apple outrageous statement 7:-

"It's loaded with the latest technology, {snip}... powerful graphics bring the latest 3D games to life.."

:non: this is a lie, kind of proves how dumb apple mac customers are if they buy one to play games with.

Best Apple Statement:-

"It runs Windows and Windows applications"

:D :lol: :sarcastic: Oh, hang on, why would anyone want to run windows on it if it comes with the most advanced operating system already installed..... BUT if you did put windows on then you would have a PC, only more g4y looking. And not as fast or upgradable etc...

Also just out of intrest it looks like modern mac's are just over priced PC's so can you overclock them and upgrade them like a normal PC?

thanks for reading.

let the defenders of the Apple Realm flame me now!!!



You can't OC Macs. So, other than slamming Apple stuff, what is your point/question?

Responding to marketing fluff is really responding to nothing. Must be a slow day (wink, wink, nudge, nudge). Enjoy!


Sep 7, 2010
HA! thank you COLgeek, I thought people could not overclock them, macs are more bent then i ever imagined! HAHAHAHAA! I gonna look into starting an anti-mac group on the internets and stuff. x



I am sure you will find many willing members to bash Apple and their wares. Probably a few (a bunch actually) groups already out there in the Ether. Have fun!


Jan 7, 2009

Dude, get a job..........or if your independently wealthy send me some money and continue the apple bashing :lol: