Copy & paste not on right click ?


Aug 21, 2011
Hi, I have been trying to understand why I cannont right click, while in Outlook, & get the "paste" choice from the drop down?
The only three choices I get when I right click are: "heading, reply signature & email signature", no "paste." I've always had paste before we recently upgraded to office 2003. Is it possible to add "paste" to drop down? Thanks. Nick

Can you use Ctrl V (paste) after using Ctrl C (copy) ?
upgrading to 2003 only now? wow

well, where in the email compose window are you trying to paste? because those choices you're given are not a typical context menu I'd expect.

as said above, try keyboard shortcuts for cut n paste but if your context menu doesn't show those options you might be trying to paste in a field that only accepts predefined parameters