Low-range GPU power usage.


Jan 7, 2009
I have a low budget, so I can't afford a new PSU at the moment.
I have a 300 watt psu. +12V is 19 amps.

I'm looking at a 4670.
Would there be any other recommendation that use possibly less power (55W from what I've heard) for a card in this price range (90-100 CAD, 75 USD), or is this the best I'm gonna get?
What else is that +12V of 19Amps supporting?

The Sapphire website recommends a 400W PSU for a 4670 video card. Check under the System Requirements.
Depending on what else your PSU is powering, and the quality and age of the PSU itself - you might be able to use a 4670 in your system. We just don't have enough info to make a good guess.

The Sapphire 4550 recommends a 300W PSU.
What did you use for Capacitor Aging?
As PSUs age over time they loose the ability to provide full rated power.
The rate at which that happens has a lot of do with the quality of the parts used to build the power supply.


Jan 7, 2009
18 months old. Stock PSU in HP 1650y. Made by bestec. Forgot about the aging option...
Using 20% now.
Telling me 360W.
Though it is also telling me my vcore is 1.4v, while it is 1.15-1.2V :)
360W is the recommended size of the PSU - not the actual power drawn from the PSU. You might be able to run the video card, but it will be pushing it very hard. You can expect a gaming session to push the PSU very hard, making it hot and noisy.
I think it's safe to give it a try. It's likely HP under-rates the PSU and you're not likely to drive all your components to max power at the same time.


Jan 7, 2009
Thank you very much.

I was gonna try it anyways, but assurance always helps. :)
If all else fails, I can just drop the vcore and do a small underclock on the card I guess.
Regardless, it'll be better than a nvidia 7500LE.

I'm curious at why the CPU is running a lesser vcore even though I haven't altered it.


I just put a 4650 into a stock HP dc7100 . Make sure you have pcie x16 slot and that you have at least 1 gig of ram . The overall performance has improved . I can play most games - some medium some high . I am not disappointed - the card does what it`s supposed to do . Enjoy .


Jan 7, 2009
I'm very happy. :)

Just got my 4670 locally for less than newegg ^_^

I thought the basic 512 DDR2 had 6.0 GPixels/s and 16 GTexels/s.
Mine is 6 GP/s and 24 GT/s
It's a sept. 10 release.


Jan 7, 2009
Can't overclock this GPU worth *** grrr... I could try and just get a replacement until I get a good one. Hopefully I get the dumb white guy at my local shop instead of an asian, they might actually ask questions. Very unstable with any memory clock. Stock of 750/873, however GPU-Z reports running memory at 1000 (conflicting with CCC).

However I managed to get my CPU to 3.1ghz (14x222), but anything higher and I crash.
Nice counting I'm actually running at 1.2V instead of Intel specs of the pentium D 820 at stock vcore of 1.4V at 2.8ghz, which either a sensor failure, or just a cpu that for whatever reason, at stock runs lower. Be nice for the 1.4V thouh, so I go go past 3.1ghz.

Tom Clancy's Hawx at max settings in DX9 or medium in DX10. Oblivion at max. Have noticed a few shadow shading issues in both oblivion (but only when personal shadows is turned on), and far cry 2 (noticed when looking at a shadow under water). Far cry 2 at lowest settings in DX9 but 1280x1024 is the only real playable setting though...
Most games are at max/medium however, and I like it. Wonder what CS 1.6 is at for fps. ;)