Question about sending in a broken motherboard


Sep 26, 2009
Ok, so I have to send in my mobo so I went through the whole RMA process. When I filled out the form it asked where I was shipping from and where the package will be returned to.

This is where it gets confusing. I am in the middle of moving to a new house so for the shipping from: section I put my current location. For the return to: section I put my moms address so I can just pick it up there in case I dont live here when the package returns.

So after this I printed out the shipping label. The problem is it only says From: on the top and then To: which is already filled in with their address. Their is no return to: section

Now I'm not sure what to put after From:

Should I put my current address or my moms address? I'm not sure if they will be able to know where to ship it if I put my current address in the From: section.

Have any of you been through this?


I'm pretty sure they will return it to the 'FROM:' address, so I'd fill in your mom's address there... I'll tell you what I do as a matter of habit: if they provide a label, I use it; otherwise, I make up a destination (actually, an envelope, with the 'ship to' address printed BIG in the middle of it, and a 'shipping documents enclosed' note on it) and source label, both with the RMA number on the bottom, set apart from the actual address by a blank line. I make three copies of the RMA paperwork; one, I file, so I have a hard-copy; the second, I put inside the envelope that I used for the destination label ("shipping documents enclosed"), which I attach with a fully covering layer of clear 'shipping tape'; the third, I put inside the box - on the assumption that they'll lose the one in the covering envelope! Then, I flip the box all around, and on all six faces, with a big-assed magic marker, I (fairly carefully) write "RMA" and the RMA number in BIG LETTERS! It seems like most of the time, you're dealing with people who could be out-thought by a pet gerbil; so I try to make it REALLY DIFFICULT for them to screw it up! I've said it before: I'm a belt and suspenders and safety-pin kind of guy!


Sep 26, 2009
Alright so I should just leave my moms address on it.

I should have put her address on both the from: and Return to sections of the form, but I wasn't thinking.

Just to make sure I guess I'll ask the people at UPS when I drop it off tomorrow.


:pt1cable: :lol: :pt1cable: :lol: :pt1cable: :lol: :pt1cable: :lol:
badge - you gotta read "The Marching Morons", a science fiction short story by Cyril M. Kornbluth published in '51... You will die laughing (or collapse in tears - one or the other)!!