Multimedia machine


Jul 27, 2009
For ripping dvds and blue ray, encoding files, file compression, making home videos and editing them....If i were to build a computer between $700-$1,000, what would be the best hardware combination for doing this? I'm already savvy with software but I'm outdated when it comes to hardware. I would like my storage/editing machine separate from my everyday clunker. Is this type of computing CPU intensive? or Ram? or HD (raid)? Does the video card have anything to do with any of this? Any help will be appreciated.


What particular software are you planning to use? You need a powerful CPU to render edits quickly, and a mid- to high-range video card to drive multiple monitors that make editing even easier. Then, of course, you'll need lots of hard disk space. I suggest you head over to the Homebuilt systems section and ask for advice there. :)