Best Noticable Gaming Performance? (HDD and keyboard+mouse)


Apr 9, 2009
I'm configuring a PC and and I'm stubbed on two choices, both similar pricing:

150GB Velociraptor HDD 10,000 rpm 16mb cache + 500GB 7200rpm HDD 16MB cache

1TB Raid0 HDD 7200rpm 16mb cache
Razor Lycosa keyboard and Razor Lachesis mouse.

I was wondering which do you think will be the best noticeable difference in gaming? including physically and PC speed.

p.s. just so you know, I have never used a high-quality gaming keyboard or mouse, ever.

what games do you play? Also what lvl do you play (casual or hardcore) for FPS a good mouse can be a god send, especially one with adjustable DPI. A keyboard is really more useful for MMORPG and RTS games where a person is likey to need a lot of macros. Personaly I like devices like the logitech g13 and belkin nostromo as opposed to gaming keyboards.

Many modern 1TB drives are very fast. I would go with the 2nd option. but mybe get it with a standard keyboard and mouse. gaming devices should be heavily researched before you invest in them.