Changing the location of a network printer...


Aug 19, 2009
Please help me. I am trying to move a printer on our school network. I have the IP address of the printer and am trying to connect this printer to the network in a different classroom. What steps do I need to take to change the name and location of this printer and have it recognized by the computers on the network?

Thank you in advance for all help.



If the IP address of the printer is reserved for MAC the only setp that you have to do is change the location and the DHCP assigns the same IP that you copy.

If the IP isn't reseved, the way more easy is that in the DHCP assign the IP to the MAC of the printer. With this, the printer always take the same address and the users don't have problems with the printings jobs.


If you run different vlans on your network, make sure its in the same IP range. That is unless you run printers on their own vlan then just set the port on the switch to the printer vlan and your done.