MB and cpu, 750i doa,need new plan


Apr 23, 2009
Just built a new system, xfx 750i/Q6600, pc6400sli ram 8gigs, 750 watt corsair for two 260 xfx vc's, mascool heatsink, artic silver 5, Diablo full case Large fans, would not boot d4 Dead board!!! Sent it back to TD, going to put the q6600 back into my 420, oc'd to 3.0 Need help selecting a new cpu/mb combo have been reading tons of forums, and am now totaly lost. LOL Do not want to hastle to sell my 260's so i am somewhat limited to a nvidia chipset, want to play my bioshock,coh,fallout 3. will spend 3-4 hundred on combo? Thanks all in advance.


Apr 23, 2009

Do you think I would be better off staying with one card, forget the sli (my video on my xps with one 260/216) looks great compaired to my 8800gt, and concentrate on a different board and cpu, if so which would you suggest?

My other 2 xfx 260's one is new and the other is a month old, there selling for around $200 new, so how much would I really get for them? I am not stuck on the idea of sli with the 7 series board, just have those two cards! with no home for them, :eek:)Thanks for your advice