Online gaming - Work 50 - Home 120ping -Use VPN ?


Oct 8, 2008
Hello , i live in the middle east ..
Im playing quake live ... my ping @ home is 100-120 in the uk ger and france servers... so its hard to play like this...
at work i get 50-60 ping ...
ping from home to work = 8-14
What could i do to connect to work and then to quake live ?
Use vpn ?
Suggestion plz ...
if so , a program replacing vpn which is easily to install is better
because there is a server and im not sure if i can connect directly to my pc @ work

Edit :
I created a vpn on my computer which come with local ip
and my isp ip is

i cant connect from outside to isp ip ... ! why ?
how could i connect to the vpn i created ?
if i type the isp ip , there is 500 pc ... it cant recogniz it self which computer is mine ..
and if i connect to my localip , its cant happen :X
help plz