P5n-SLI with radeon x1650 pro


Jun 20, 2009
Hello knowledgeable experts,

I've had my rig for about a year now I put everything together myself. I'm a fan of computers and computer technology but I am in no way a pro. I bought my current motherboard(p5nsli, something similar to this - http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16813131032 ) and a radeon x1650pro video card( http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814102073 ). I was planning to eventually get another of the same video card but I read on the sticky that crossfire technology cant really work with SLI boards?

Is there possibly some way around this? I am a complete newbie but if anyone can help me with this question, please let me know.



Jun 20, 2009
So if I were to do dual video cards, It would be best for me to get geforce video cards?

Additional question: would i need extra cooling with the extra video card?


Mar 7, 2009

Geforce is nvidia...you have to get nividia/geforce....and cooling depends on the case and what fans you already have :non: ...how are we supposed to answer that...

Why yes get this you may need an extra fan if you run your pc in a closed no ventilation cardboard box....give use your case info...

I run my systems with the side panels off...keeps things cool and saves 10$ worth of fans...and tape...

And what do you mean extra video card?...you should just buy one strong card as an upgrade...


Jun 20, 2009
Sorry I wasn't quite clear before. I have a Intel Core 2 Duo E4500 2gig. I curse the fact that I enjoy playing computer games and using photoshop as I am a budget spender. I figured that as a budget spender, purchasing a SLI board would be appropriate as it would allow me to purchase an alright video card to begin with and then when I have the funds, purchase a compatible second video card to maximize performance.

I didn't realized that my radeon x1650pro card would not be compatible to my SLI board until I read the sticky on this board. I assume that SLI technology is nvidia/geforce only and so I was wondering if anyone had any suggestions as to what kind of video cards would work well for me and whether or not I should stick with just one video card.

I just want to be able to play games smoother but spend, say 50-80 bucks on each video card.

In terms of cooling, I just wanted to know if I needed to do anything else to cool down the cpu if I decided to install a stronger video card or dual video cards because i assume it would take more power. I could very much be wrong about this. Perhaps the video card fans themselves are adequate enough, who knows.

If anyone has any insight or advice, its welcome.


Mar 7, 2009
Resolution/games you want to play/at what levels of detail....

There is no reason for you to buy two graphics cards....it would just be rather cost productive vs buying one single good card for your resolution to start out with....any card we can recommend you will be quite a boost over your current card so don't worry...

If the cpu is on stock cooling and you have a badly ventilated case then you are going to have to study the temps to make sure it can't get to hot....the graphics card fans work just fine for cooling the card....but the bottom of the pcb will get warm and the heat can only travel up to the brain.....


Not sure if it's worth upgrading your CPU since your board can only got 1066 but I would get something like Artic Cooling Pro Freezer 7 and overclock that e4500 to 2.9 Ghz (11 X 266).

Then you'd get the most of a single card like a GTS 250.