Help needed from manchester uk alex


Jun 15, 2009
hi guys i am a newby when it comes to knowledge surrounding p.c hardware/software etc but i am in the process of learning everything i need to know so i can build my own gameing rig,here is goes the monitor i`l be using is a samsung lcd with a resolution Display resolution (pixels)1920 x 1200 my budget is £1000.00 to spend on hardware/software i`v been reading there is no point maxing out the gpu if you havnt got the resolution on your screen is that right?also where is a good place to start to learn how to build your own rig,i need a system that could play arma 2 on a med high settings?also to play a game like arma 2 on med settings would that still outdo the graphics on say a ps3 game? i now its alot of questions but would apreciate your help,i hate my x-box 360 now lol


May 10, 2009
1920x1200 is basically max resolution if you don't have a 30" monitor, so you don't need to worry about that. I'm not familiar with that game or its graphical requirements, but fill out the form below and you'll get all the advice you can handle :). The graphics on a 1000 pound computer will be world better than on your ps3 or 360.

APPROXIMATE PURCHASE DATE: (example: tomorrow -- the closer the better) BUDGET RANGE: (example: US$500-750)

SYSTEM USAGE FROM MOST TO LEAST IMPORTANT: (example: Folding@Home, gaming, surfing the internet, watching movies)

PARTS NOT REQUIRED: (examples: keyboard, mouse, monitor, speakers, OS) **Include Power Supply Make & Model If Re-using**

PREFERRED WEBSITE(S) FOR PARTS: (examples:,, -- this is to help others see available options and prices)

PARTS PREFERENCES: by brand or type (example: I would like to use an AMD CPU & Biostar mobo with a 24" LCD and full tower case)

OVERCLOCKING: Yes / No / Maybe SLI OR CROSSFIRE: Yes / No / Maybe

MONITOR RESOLUTION: (examples: 1024x768, 1280x1024, 1440x900, 1600x1200, 1680x1050, 1920x1080, 1920x1200)

ADDITIONAL COMMENTS: (examples: Need to have a window and lots of bling, I would like a quiet PC)