LCD releases radiation?


Dec 16, 2008
Hi does computer monitors release radiation? I read that CRT ones do (the big bulky ones) but im not sure if any radiation is leaked/realased by lcd computer monitors. Do LCD computer monitors give off any kind of harmful treats?

People are scaring you with meaningless facts. CRTs give off beta radiation, aka electrons, which are stopped by a sheet of paper and easily stopped by your skin, so there is no risk there especially with the leaded screens.

LCDs are just a fluorescent lamp shown through a color filter, so it gives off no more radiation than a standard fluorescent lightbulb which is a bit of heat but primarily radiation between 380 and 750nm, aka visible light. Neither of them give off any harmful radiation what so ever.


Dec 16, 2008
could you say the ammount of radiation lcd's give off is the same ammount normally in the air? Cause i thought there is always radiation in the air no matter wat. But cause the density is so low it wont effect you?


Dec 16, 2008
Also could some one tell me what I exprienced. I have a LG W2252TQ LCD 22" monitor and when i first got it I had it on another table. One time when i was on the computer I put my head in a percise poistion and put my fingers on my temple and could hear a buzzy sound. Even if I tryed to move my head some where else(like bring it back abit) the buzzing would go. And it only ever came when i placed my some fingers on my temple on my head. It only happend one night and cant get it to make the buzzy sound again.

I have moved my computer in my room now. What caused this buzzy sound? (it wasnt the monitor it was like it was invisable and only could hear it when my fingers were on my temple/head and leaning slightly in.

I also had/have the actual computer sitting right next to the monitor.

Okay, we are going to dive head long into physics here. Radiation is anything within the electromagnetic spectrum, from radio waves to infrared(heat) to visible light to ultraviolet to xray and gamma(the bad stuff)

Find a full size fluorescent light bulb, take a look at it, it is emitting more radiation than an LCD screen does because it is so much larger. The type of radiation emitted by an LCD screen is neither powerful enough(like a laser would be) or of the right type(like an xray machine) to cause any biological harm.

You arent concerned about getting cancer whenever you are standing in a grocery store or public restroom are you? there is far more radiation in either of those settings due to the large amount of fluorescent bulbs, but there is no risk of harm because all of that radiation is emitted in the form of heat and visible light neither of which will hurt you.

In short, an LCD screen is no more harmful or dangerous than a large flashlight, it will hurt if you drop it on your foot or shine it in your eye but that is the extent of the damage it will do.


Oct 9, 2008
Stupid Trolls. Go screw with Yahoo answers or something. Not with people here who actually give a damn. Hunter315, you have infinitely more patience then I do.
Actually im just bored tonight and figured throwing in some technical terms would end up freaking him out more. Gotta love paranoid people.

The buzz you heard was likely about 60Hz and caused by the ballast for the light that turns AC current which runs at 60Hz into 20KHz or so which is needed to run the backlight.


May 12, 2009
My PipBoy 3000 has never warned me of radiation when I'm hacking terminals, and that thing's as reliable as they come. You could always invest in some Rad-X or a nice Environment Suit if you are really that concerned about it. Though to be honest, I haven't noticed a difference at all when wearing the suit. Perhaps I'm not using it correctly, or don't understand how it's supposed to function, but I think it's probably just a gimmick like those bogus magnetic pain-relieving bracelets. I'll stand perfectly still in a puddle that gives me +1 Rad/sec and put on the suit, and it still says +1 Rad/sec. On a side note, I invested in a "My First Scientist's Kit" (or whatever it's called) with the thought that it would cure my radiation since I thought that was the main reason to get one. It doesn't cure jack! I use it, and it "detoxifies" me which I guess isn't the same as de-irradiating me. I suppose if I drank too much and woke up in the morning with a hangover, it'd be nice to instantly "detoxify", but I wanted a cheap way to de-irradiate myself. I got taken for like over a thousand caps that could have bought a whole lot of Rad-X.


Dec 8, 2009

Troll yourself you arrogant prat. It must be tough defining something as bad simply because it seems basic to you. Have you never asked a question on this or any other forum? What made your questions "intelligent" - the fact that you needed the answer?


Sep 15, 2009
Radiation from monitors is a serious issue. All computer monitors even the newest LCD monitors emit radiation. I have found the only protection from this radiation is a AFDB:


Aug 11, 2009
Yeah, I got to say the OP seems legit. There's so much nonsense thrown around today and science education is a joke (at least in the U.S.) that I can completely understand why someone might think an LCD emitted dangerous radiation, hunter's answer was quite good.

But now could you scare people and talk about radiation and drywall? Especially drywall imported from China?


Jan 2, 2009

It's true that LCD is not totally free from emitting radiation, Mobile phone remissions are more hazardous (parents pamper their small kids to play with them etc).

You are correct, people live in a sort of ignorance due to surplus of goods (over consumption, corporate ploys etc) in front of them but if science education in US is a joke, where else is better? I don't think that's correct to say.





Countries Ranked Higher Than the US in science education.

Finland, Estonia, Canada, New Zealand, Australia, Netherlands, Korea, Slovenia, Germany, UK, Czech Republic, Switzerland, Austria, Belgium...

Yea i think I'll stop there and just say US is ranked 24th out of the 30 OCED countries. Least we're higher than mexico >.<

Source: Education at a Glance 2009: OECD Indicators Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), 2009


Dec 9, 2009
Every monitor whether lcd or crt release radiations but the radiation released by the lcd are only in visual range....
On the other hand crt releases some stray radiations along with the visible ones like ultra violet and microwaves which might be harmful for our body :sol: