Making a system, Suggestions.


Feb 22, 2009
Sorry for the mediocre nub post, was in a rush.

I re did all my parts so tel me what you think

Motherboard/ram/processer -


Fan -



Anything else I am missing, Ithis is my well about my second built PC. If I'm missing a component or if you have suggestions or a better site and/or upgrade and comment. Please do what you must. Hopefully you guys enjoy building pc's so I decided to just go ahead and post here so yo uguys can go all out. Sorry If I missed something,



May 12, 2009
Whoa, slow down there. A lot of these components aren't compatible with one another. The board you selected (aside from being overpriced) is for a Core i7 processor, and you selected a Phenom II processor. Those are 2 puzzle pieces that won't fit no matter how hard to press them together.

Your PSU looks solid, though you won't need that much power unless your running quad SLI. I'd grab a Corsair 750TX. They also make 650W and 850W variations if interested.

You didn't really say much about the RAM you plan to reuse other than it's DDR and 3GB...

Your video card is also pretty out of date, and should be replaced if you want to get the most performance out of either a Core i7 or Phenom II build.

Definetly get back to me on what you plan to do, because you'll be awfully disappointed if you don't heed my warnings.


May 12, 2009
Hahaha... I'm calling you out as having ADHD. :D

This time everything is compatible, but you selected an LGA 775 setup. LGA 775 is considered a "dead" socket and you will limit your upgrade options by choosing to build a computer around it now. If you can afford it, go with a Core i7 setup (LGA 1366). If you're on a tighter budget, go with a Phenom II 940 setup. Both of those will offer you a flexible upgrade path with lots of options.

I wouldn't bother with an aftermarket cooler unless you are going to overclock, or you live in a hot climate. You seem to be from Canada, so I'm going to assume you don't have to worry about the latter.

You didn't list a video card this time around.

Everything else looks great, but I still think you won't need a 1000W PSU unless you plan on having 4 video cards. Save yourself some money and drop it down to the 650-750W area. They'll still have plenty of juice for at least 2 video cards and some overclocking thrown in. Though at the price they're asking for that PSU, maybe you should just go for it. There's nothing necessarily wrong with it, I just doubt you'll use even half of that 1000W.