Hexy Core Opty benchies


I know they've been out for six months but here's one of the only conventional reviews.


Moreover, we expect AMD Thuban processors to work at about 3.0 GHz. And as we have seen during our today’s test session, it won’t be enough for them to outperform neither competitor’s six-core solutions, nor top quad-core Nehalem based CPUs, which cope perfectly well with heavy multi-threaded load due to Hyper-Threading technology support. Moreover, AMD solutions definitely lack something similar to Turbo Boost that allows multi-core Intel processors to perform very fast when not all the existing cores are busy. In other words, desktop six-core Thuban processors won’t become AMD’s ticket back to the high-performance market segment, but they will definitely have sufficient interesting functionality to become an attractive mainstream offering.

With performance like that... AMD is semi-competitive with Intel. Too bad the lack of Hyperthreading is really killing them. Must hurt AMD to make dies like this. Must be why they still cost $1000 and are only avalible in the server space.

Crappy article --- the SocketF neutered the enterprise AM3 Optys ....