How to remove sedow on tesktop icon


Dec 31, 2011
" 1. Open the Control Panel.
2. Double-click on the System icon.
3. In the System Properties window click the Advanced tab.
4. In Advanced click the Settings button under the Performance section.
5. In the Performance Options window scroll down to "Use drop shadows for icon labels on the desktop" and uncheck the option and click Ok.
6. Once completed you should no longer have the drop shadow."
i also try it
plz guide me

Four things are required in order to maintain transparent icon backgrounds:

1) System Properties>Advanced>Performance Settings>VisualEffects - check
"use drop shadows for icon labels".

2) Right-click on Desktop ->Arrange Icons by>Lock Web items must be cleared.

3) If you have any web content on your desktop, transparency won't work.
To check for web content: Display Properties>Desktop>Customize
Desktop>Web - make sure all checkboxes are clear.

4) Wallpaper must be an image file, not html.