How to create the password in my hard drive



Hello! i wish to ask u how to create a new password in hard
driver part two?
For what, to encrypt it, to just set a password on some files, set a boot password? Truecrypt is a good one, and so are several others. The issue is that if you don't know what you are doing, you can end up with deleted files and probably a lost password. Once you encrypt a drive, if you forget the password and don't have a backup key, your files are gone.


May 5, 2009

Very good point. I used TrueCrypt on my thumbdrive for probably six months and deleted a file that was critical to open my encrypted volume by accident. I was using TC as a good practice while using my thumb drive at different client sites so I did have copies of my files elsewhere.
You will need to keep backups of your encrypted data. Even if you use Windows Backup, no one is going to be restoring your backups just to snoop around...

Also, a phrase such as "encrypt a second partition on my hard drive" will help you explain your question or search for a solution better than "hard driver part two".