Keep my XFX Gts 250 512mb or step it up?


Aug 24, 2009
Hey Guys whats up.
So just recently, about 3 weeks ago i ordered parts and built my computer that i am using right now. Besides all the part issues ive dealt with, my question here is the video card i chose.
At the time,

I chose a xfx Gts 250 512 mb, at the time was 114.99 free shipping and 2 free games from newegg (woot, to bad i get taxed :fou: )

My dilemma is, well I have a Samsung 23" :eek: Monitor, and friends and people have always been telling me aww man you need a video with 1gb for your big resolution in gaming.

I'm broke now pretty much, but I'm thinking if i should do this, my friend wants to buy my gts 250 for a clean $110.

Should I sell it to him, since i lose like 10$ out of it and get a,

4850 1gb,

or this gtx 260?
(sale ends today since of labor day so im askin this now)

I also want a quiet fan from these, out of my system the gpu fan is the loudest. So if i go through with this i was going to get this. (reading reviews of 260, it says its alright noise level but can get loud around 50%)

Should i be worrying more about noise level? Or the future of playing games?

i really just play, counterstrike source, gta 4, and in the close future resident evil 5 and Modern warfare 2.
So I'm also considering if the future, the 4850 will be enough to play resident evil 5 and modern warfare 2,
Or just get the gtx 260 and hope that it'll be quiet enough.

P.s, This question doesn't belong here but im going to ask it anyways.
When you get a power supply they give you peripheral cables, (the 4 pin molex for the fans).
I need 1 more cable, so that if i do buy the 4850, i heard it'll need extra cooling so i need an extra side fan, can someone like link me to a cable? I like newegged and googled it but i can't find like a similar cable to the ones given to me with my power supply, (i don't use the motherboard slot because its screwed up :cry: , i don't want to rma and deal with a waiting period etc. so i decided to suck it up and ask this and buy a cable)
First, slow down lol.

Second, your graphics memory and your screen size have NOTHING to do with each other. So if your friends told you something like that, they are idiots.

Third, the 250 and 4850 are about the same. If you can get out of your 250 for a $10 loss (plus tax) and keep the two games, the 4870 would be much more appropriate . . . and better matched to a 1920 resolution.

Fourth, *all* gcards with fans are hot and noisy. If your case didn't heat up bad with the 250, odds are very good it will work fine with the 4870. You don't need an extra fan; you don't need extra power connectors for that fan; you may need powere connector adapters for the 4870. Search Newegg for "6pin adapter" or similar.
First, slow down lol.

Second, your graphics memory and your screen size have NOTHING to do with each other. So if your friends told you something like that, they are idiots.

Third, the 250 and 4850 are about the same. If you can get out of your 250 for a $10 loss (plus tax) and keep the two games, the 4870 would be much more appropriate . . . and better matched to a 1920 resolution.

Fourth, *all* gcards with fans are hot and noisy. If your case didn't heat up bad with the 250, odds are very good it will work fine with the 4870. You don't need an extra fan; you don't need extra power connectors for that fan; you may need powere connector adapters for the 4870. Search Newegg for "6pin adapter" or similar.


Aug 24, 2009
1. Slow down? That's no fun

2. Yeah i was talking about gaming wise tho oops.

3. Yeah 250 and 4850 are the same, but im comparing the 512mb and the 1gb tho, so it would matter when im using my 1920 x 1080 resolution.

But if i get the fanless gigabyte one, i need to use an extra side panel graphics fan for sure.

4. I need a cable to plug in my fan to the power supply, because i used up all the 4 pin molex/perphierals that came with the power supply.
I can't find any like of those sold seperatly though. I don't need a cable connecting from graphics to power uspply.

I bought this one, but obviously i was an iddiot since i plugged it into my fan and power supply, and it even almost killed my power supply. Either way, i have the fan i need a cable for it regardless so i need to look for that if you can help me.

And i need to still decide if i should go full out gtx 260, the msi one with dual fans or
Gigabye 4850 fanless.
260-216 and 275 are better for 1920, but 250 is no slouch.

512k graphics memory is plenty, more is up to you. Remember, that memory needs to be addressed and is only available to the vid card.

I'd never again buy a graphics card that exhausts hot air into the case. Period. The goal is to get hot air *out*.

Good luck.


Aug 24, 2009

Ooo not of thought of it like that, exhausts hot air into case hmmmm. Yeah ill think about it. Well the gtx 260 sale ends today, i conclude ill just keep the gts 250? lol

I still need to worry about my case fan problem though, i need to find the right cable.