GTX275 Fur Mark


Sep 8, 2009
I have a GTX 275 not OC (yet!).

A quick question. Why at 1920x1200 4xMSAA do I get a min framrate of 9 but when the cards heats up and hitsw approx 80C the min framerate is 52?

Do I have a dodgy card or is this normal. I understand that the memory has to get all of the textures but its at least a full minute before the card hits 80 and the framerate increase markedly.

Thanks in advance.


Sep 8, 2009
Ok the card is a LEadtek GTX 275 896Mb GDDR3.

I ran fur mark 3 times (build 1.6.5) at a res of 1280x1024, MSAA 4x, fullscreen, stability test, my observations were as follows:

Min FPS to Max FPS 25-73

Temperature doesnt seem to be the key as I ran the tests with a short delay and no delay between to very the initial starting temperature. However, the time was the same in all tests.

At 67 secs the FPS went to 67-103 (min - Max).

Fan kicked in at 89C, and max temp in all tests was 93C.

When I turned MSAA 4x to NONE the test ran steady from start to over 3 mins with 69-105 FPS

So turning on the MSA is causing the delay, but it does seem strange that it should take 67 seconds to compute all of the necessary calculations before the render speed picks up.

Would appreciate it if someone with same or similar card could post up their results with same settings.

Once again, thanks in advance.



Sep 8, 2009
No one out there, ran furmark and have similar results to mine? Any info appreciated, need to work out if this is fairly normal or I have a prob with my card. Thanks.


Sep 30, 2009
You know...I'm getting horrible results from my new 275GTX. I just got it today and it is an upgrade from an 8800GT and I'm not seeing a good difference here. My card is the MSI Twin Frozr w/896MB . Here are the results from my native resolution of 1360x768 Min 121/ Avg 142/ Max 187 and a score of 8487 o3 marks (whatever that means). Normally I would be ok with those framerates, but looking at others with say a 250 or 260 and they are getting into the tens of thousands!? I don't get it, and I can really only think of 3 things that it could be: 1. Bad drivers that are embedded from my old card (even though I used driver sweeper and reinstalled new/old drivers) 2. I have a new 800 watt power supply and maybe it's not delivering the needed amps (I have 4 rails ..2 are 18amps and 1 is 20 amps and the other is 22 amps) or finally 3. This card is bad. I have to investigate some more but would love to hear from any others that this may be happening to. In the meantime, I'm seriously thinking of a windows re-install. Another thing I was thinking was that my CPU may be the bottleneck now. I have an AMD Athlon64 X2 4400 OC'd to 2640 2GB PC3200. So my machine is rather old but I thought I would upgrade the card first and get a new stuff gradually...Maybe that was a bad idea

Why are you using a stability tool as a performance benchmark? :??:


Sep 30, 2009
Well I guess because they have a list I can compare to....I guess I'll try one of the more popular benchmarking tools today.


Sep 8, 2009
Not sure if he using Fur Mark and if so what build. We can assume but I prefer not to make assumptions especially when it comes to testing and comparisons. Also his results cannot be compared to mine. To compare accurately res must be 1280 x 1024 and msa 4x and then NONE.

Sorry mate, my mistake. I'm the one not realising what thread I was replying to, and I quoted you as well!! :lol: now I've got to find the thread I was trying to reply in. :??: