GT 300 / Fermi Expected launch late November


Aug 11, 2009

If all goes well that starting to get excited now....cant wait to see how they compare!!


Jan 3, 2007
I doubt it happens, but we need competition so I dont mind if Nvidia would launch like... yesterday :p More realistically hard launch wont happen until next year. Only Nvidia fans and those who really dont need an upgrade wont buy 5xxx series till then, see sig ;)
I would love to see them launch in Nov... but then what would all the AMD fanboys do since they stated that Nvidia wont launch till march/april?

@ Harrison, just cause you aint seen squat don't mean that Nvdia wont drop a bomb....



where is real dx 11 games to play, why hurry and buy 5000 series now, maybe later we will have better options and price drops so better strategy is to wait and see what other side has to offer... There is a lot games in dx 9 now and it will be more like codmw 2, it will have dx 10 support but the engine is pretty same. Who want only the best right now he also has money for it. Nvidia now waiting to see Ati leader card 5870x2 and its performance with new drivers because for nvidia its very important that segment, then we will see that gt 300 card im sure...


Jan 3, 2007

Is Kyle from HardOCP AMD fanboy? How about Anandtech? They all claim we wont see Fermi this year (or at least any real quantities of it), and they are basing this on the facts we know, along with the inside sources. On the other hand... on what based your opinion, outside fanboysim, of course? ;)

We dont know what Nvidia will drop, at least what concerns games. As much as I respect HPC side, I wont need nor care about it. This only makes GPUs more expensive... Plus rumors about advanced DX11 features partially emulated in software (like tessalation) doesnt strike me with the confidence either. I hope its not true, but with the way Nvidia downplays DX11 and the respectable sources of rumors, I'm not happy with it, we dont need another round of Nvidia stalling advancement.
All im saying is that it would be nice to see the 3xx series drop ASAP, this way NV will be able to clear any fallacies made up by AMDidiots =) saying that this time around they were able to shut-out NV... Thats all =)
I wouldn't be surprised, in fact I'd expect NVidia to have a 'launch' this side of the new year. What I'd really like to see is when the cards come out in quantity, which that source doesn't even speculate on (as it admits the cards are still being worked on, so even NVidia doesn't know for sure. They can only try their best and hope).


Forget it. Anyone who believes this card will be launched this year is just plain deluded.

Maybe Nvidia should try to get a midrange 40nm card out first? Hell even a shrink of one of their current cards? If you actually believe that this 'fermi' will make an appearance before the end of the year, it just shows how little understanding you have of situation.


Feb 21, 2009
There is no way in hell this card drops by November. This is one of those typical Fuad=FUD posts that has no basis in reality.

December is even highly unlikely as Nvidia is telling OEM's to not expect parts for the holidays. Count on January from everything I am hearing, possibly a CES launch.


Aug 11, 2009

Give evidence or it never happened.

Wheres the basis in your argument?

Theres more evidence pointing to a release this year than what your sayin???



Oct 5, 2009
as far as i see it NV will Pwn Ati in performace and Ati will Pwn NV in price isnt this the way of life as we know it. So why even argue about this new card gt300 or what ever the call it if you want performance go NV if your cheap and dont need power for 30inch monitor go ati and stfu :eek:


Feb 9, 2008
My invisible friend said it will launch next week. He has insider information, so you'd better not buy ATI cards right now. He said they will outperform most supercomputers, and even make coffee for you when you boot the computer in the morning.


I'll combine my two posts from the other thread:

If all goes well Nvidia's CEO first said that Fermi, GT300 product will launch on Tuesday and didn't want comment whether it can launch in 2009 or 2010.
I really don't understand that. If it's launching on Tuesday then it's launching in 2009... Although "launch" doesn't mean "hit the shelves."

In a previous Fuddo article they said it was "expected" to launch. So is it or is it not going to launch? Expectation is not definite. "Launch" can mean many things. Intel "launched" Penryn on paper. A launch could be 20 cards sent out to reviewers.

I hope the whole fake Fermi fiasco and rumours about low yields are a giant coverup for the biggest hard launch in years, but I don't exactly expect it. :p


Mar 3, 2009

Yeah why dont you show the benchmarks for that not to mention you have to use a display port fo the 3rd monitor or it will not work.

So? Still better than nVid's.

If, IFIFIFIFIF, they get out a card this year, ATI will still be leading. There's no way the card can beat the price/performance from ATI.


Mar 3, 2009

We dont know what nvidia has in store, we dont know when the cards will be released. We do not know what the cards will be priced at. Some of us could care less about price per performance all we care about is top speed and yes as of right now ati has the best. If they have the best when nvidia cards are released I will purchase 3 of them. I like the idea of eyefinity and hope ati has a way around the display port soon.

Saying ATI will still be leading is a pretty big assumption that has only happened with the 9700 pro. Cards are rarly released at the same time and history shows that Nidia has always trumped what ati had sans the 9700/9800 pro as the fx 5800 ultra was a flop. Maybe history will change and ati will be back on top for a short time, maybe they will be on top longer. Maybe nvidia will quit concerning itself with gaming and focus on supercomputers and calculations. Who knows until the cards are release. I am hoping it is soon so I can get new gpu's for my main system whichever is on top as I could care less about brands just performance.


Jul 3, 2007

Is using display port an issue for you? Do you not know that adaptors for displayport to DVI can be obtained?

Or is it all too complicated for you to wrap your head around?!?!

Using the 3rd monitor/displayport "issue" as a stick to beat ATi with is pathetic.

As regards the benchmarks, the ATis all show positive numbers. JHH's Fermi board doesn't even POST.


Mar 3, 2009

As of right now ati does not support any adaptor officially and many out there have been causing problems. Trying to insult me does nothing for you as I just pointed out a fact from a fanboy that always throuws half ased information to support his cause. Never did I attack Ati. I have seen all the benchmarks out there and can not find any with 30" monitors in eyefinity. I find some 24" and they all say the same thing. Not all games are supported, the ones that are you can not run at max settings playable IE have to lower settings. I am sure once crossfire in enabled with eyefinity it will fix these issues.