Samsung 216bw 1920*1080p


May 9, 2008
So, while I know this isn't completely uncommon knowledge, this display does in fact support 1080p even though its only advertised for 1680*1050.

Heres my dilemna:

The display has confirmed to work correctly with PS3's bluray playing 1080p movies/games.

I can get 1920*1080p to work in the windows interface correctly and easily by going through display options and listing all modes.

The problem is that I can't quite figure out how to get games in PC to recognize the new resolution - i'm assuming this is driver related, does anyone have any ideas how I can make this work, or if there is a compatible driver for a 1080p samsung display that might work with the 216bw; any advice would be appreciated.



May 9, 2008
Samsung's monitor on screen display which is built into the monitor, the desktop display resolution in windows is set to 1920*1080*32

As a point of interest, I managed to get far cry 2 to recognize the resolution; however changing the resolution to 1080p produces no improved image quality other than slightly degraded performance. Implies to me that it works to a point in that particular title, but it might not be getting displayed correctly.


May 9, 2008
I have no idea what that is

Oh, yea in FC2 I took a screenshot and checked the attributes, the SS that was produced was 1920*1080 so I guess its working in that too.

Seems I have to toggle the resolution to 1680*1050 and then back to 1920*1080 for it to work in that title.

Anyways, is the EDID like the ROM of the monitor? Or is that something else, i'm gonna google it anyways.


May 9, 2008
EDID ( Extendid Display Identification Data) Report

Vendor/Product Identification:

Monitor Name : SyncMaster
Monitor Serial Number : H9LPC05274
Manufacturer Name : Samsung
Product Id : 30D
Serial Number : 1296380466
Week Of Manufacture : 49
Year Of Manufacture : 2007
EDIDVersion : V1.3
Number Of Extension Flag : 0

Display parameters:

Video Input Definition : Digital Signal
DFP1X Compatible Interface : False
Max Horizontal Image Size : 470 mm
Max Vertical Image Size : 300 mm

Power Management and Features:

Standby : Not Supported
Suspend : Not Supported
ActiveOff : Supported
Video Input : 1
sRGB Default ColorSpace : False
Default GTF : Not Supported
Prefered Timing Mode : True

Gamma/Color and Etablished Timings:

Display Gamma : 2.2
Red : x = 0.644 - y = 0.333
Green : x = 0.286 - y = 0.603
Blue : x = 0.152 - y = 0.079
White : x = 0.313 - y = 0.329

Etablished Timings :
800 x 600 @ 60Hz (VESA)
800 x 600 @ 56Hz (VESA)
640 x 480 @ 75Hz (VESA)
640 x 480 @ 72Hz (VESA)
640 x 480 @ 67Hz (Apple, Mac II)
640 x 480 @ 60Hz (IBM, VGA)
720 x 400 @ 70Hz (IBM, VGA)
1280 x 1024 @ 75Hz (VESA)
1024 x 768 @ 75Hz (VESA)
1024 x 768 @ 70Hz (VESA)
1024 x 768 @ 60Hz (VESA)
832 x 624 @ 75Hz (Apple, Mac II)
800 x 600 @ 75Hz (VESA)
800 x 600 @ 72Hz (VESA)
1152 x 870 @ 75Hz (Apple, Mac II)

Display Type : RGB Color Display

Standard Timing:

Standard Timings n° 2
X Resolution : 1280
Y Resolution : 1024
Vertical Frequency : 60

Standard Timings n° 3
X Resolution : 1280
Y Resolution : 960
Vertical Frequency : 60

Standard Timings n° 4
X Resolution : 1152
Y Resolution : 864
Vertical Frequency : 75

Preferred Detailed Timing:

Pixel Clock : 119 Mhz

Horizontal Active : 1680 pixels
Horizontal Blanking : 160 pixels
Horizontal Sync Offset : 48 pixels
Horizontal Sync Pulse Width : 32 pixels
Horizontal Border : 0 pixels
Horizontal Size : 474 mm

Vertical Active : 1050 lines
Vertical Blanking : 30 lines
Vertical Sync Offset : 3 lines
Vertical Sync Pulse Width : 6 lines
Vertical Border : 0 lines
Vertical Size : 40 mm

Input Type : Digital Separate
Interlaced : False
VerticalPolarity : False
HorizontalPolarity : True

Monitor Range Limit:

Maximum Vertical Frequency : 75 Hz
Minimum Vertical Frequency : 56 Hz
Maximum Horizontal Frequency : 81 KHz
Minimum Horizontal Frequency : 30 KHz
Maximum Pixel Clock : 140 MHz

Stereo Display:

Stereo Display : Normal display (no stereo)

I downloaded a freeware program called EDID Viewer, and this is the report it produced from the system registry.


May 9, 2008
yea, according to the EDID viewer the preferred timing appears to be 1680*1050 (i'm assuming that is complexity speak for "native res")

Anyways, thats what the report gave me - I also downloaded a program called Phoenix which is an EDID editor thing that i'm going to look at now.

You beat me to it :), it's an assumption on my part as I've never tried it but if you can find an editing utility and change those two lines to 1920 and 1080 respectively that would present the drivers or the game with a resolution that you are trying to display.


May 9, 2008
So, using the EDID editor, I was able to get a list of standard timings, and detailed (preferred) timings.

In the detailed timings section, it lists the information that you just quoted, to a tee.

In the standard timings, it lists more generalized information - mainly specific aspect ratios that correspond to specific screen widths

ie: TIMING ID #1:

H. Active Pixels 1680
Refresh 60

Aspect ratio

*16:10 (*= selected bullet)

On the same screen, there are 3 other timings which correspond to 1280 in 5:4, 1280 in 4:3, (i'm assuming thats 720/960 or somesuch), and lastly 1152 width in 4:3

there is also 4 other timings which are basically unused on the 2nd screen of standard timings.

This program seems to read the information from the registry, and the file can be saved as a file. What I don't grasp about the program, is how you input the information back into the registry, or if the information needs to be added to the monitor itself somehow (i'm almost positive monitors can only have this done mechanically though with the right tools cause its an eeprom)

apparently the program I have needs rayler's EDID programmer to work - any ideas?