Which Graphics Card for Outputting to HDTV


Oct 23, 2009
First off, forgive my ignorance in this area. I have looked for the answer, and the more I look, the more confused I become. Here goes.

My Goal:
I want to be able to output streaming content (video & sound) to my LCD TV over HDMI (thus minimizing cable clutter). My PC is 20ft away from my TV, and I don't want to use a different audio source for the sound. I know how to connect the PC to the TV via a VGA cable, but I'm stuck without sound coming from the TV. Hopefully this explanation is clear enough.

Current PC Hardware
Main Board: P5W-DH I975X CrossFire Chipset LGA775

I'm looking for a graphics card that will (easily) allow me to reach my goal, without over-buying. I'm not concerned in the least with gaming. I simply want to watch Internet streaming content on my TV, and later I may decide to purchase a Blu-Ray player. I've found many cards that have HDMI output, but where I get hung up is on the sound. Some sites say I need a motherboard that has the SPDIF output & I'll have to install a cable from the MoBo to the graphics card in order for the HDMI cable to carry both sound & video.

I'm sure I've left something out, and I do apologize. I'm really frustrated with this and will appreciate any help.

Any current ATI GPU will output both video and audio over HDMI without the need of a SPDIF cable. You'll just have to tell your computer to use the HDMI audio instead of the motherboard audio as the output device.



Jun 14, 2009
A great, cheap card for your purposes would be an HD4350 with HDMI output (not all have it). The card has a built in sound card. To get it to work through your HDMI is just a matter of selecting the ATI HDMI Output as the default playback device in the Windows audio settings.

If you are in the US:
http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814125251&cm_re=4350-_-14-125-251-_-Product - 34.99 with an HDMI port.

If you purchase one without an HDMI port, ATI usually provides a DVI to HDMI converter that will work the same as having the native port.


Oct 23, 2009

I know you guys could help!! This card has been ordered. Thanks again!!