Need Help Identifying graphics card!


Oct 27, 2009
Got a new job, and the computer I was given has a dual monitors. However they both show the same desktop. I checked and thats because I dont think the driver is installed for the graphics card. dxdiag and device manager dont know what the card is. I opened the computer and looked at the card, and cant find a name. It is red with a sticker on it. The sticker is the letter "D" half red half white. The top of the card says 4650-1G. The serial number is PG0902141502. Another number on it is G02293p920034-218B-15zB GP. I have googled this info and found nothing, therefore I cant install the driver. If someone could help me identify this card that would be great. Thanks!
You can download and run GPU-Z if you'd like all the info.

However, I do recognize 4650 1G. That is referring to an ATI 4650 1 GB ram card (try googling that, maybe).

The driver (and Catalyst Control Center) you will need for that can be found at:

Then go to Radeon drivers and choose your OS under the full suite.

Hope that helps!


Oct 27, 2009
Yeah, they put the setup together in a hurry and i guess forgot to load the driver. The comp was trying to use the on board video card. instead of the ATI card