*Need Help, nothing showing on screen


Nov 17, 2008
Hey guys iv looked through the check list and dont see anything that helps me. Il just post up what i have so far.

The Motherboard is Gigabyte MA7885GT-UD3H
Cpu is Amd Athlon 620 II x4
Graphics card Ati 4850
Psu Corsair 650w
Memory Xms3 corsair 2x1Gb DDR3

I went through the motherboards manual carefully

Ok Here my checklist
Cpu and cooler on and cpu fan wire in -

2x12 Main power connector In from psu -

Graphics card in the PciEx16_1 Slot (Which im not too sure is right but i think it is)
Forgot to plug in the 4 pin connector but pluged it in and tryed again and still nothing.

sata2 cable in to hard drive/sata1 slot (There is a 0 also but its under) which is a Seagate barracuda 7200 ( had it quiet a while)

Graphics card pluged in to screen..There is onboard graphics i believe and i tryed it in that port too but still no luck..

I wore an antistatic wristband when i was touching everything.

Gpu and cpu cooler fans both come on when i try turn it on

It is more than likly somthing simple but i cant find it.. btw im a beguinner builder

Thanks guys !


Nov 17, 2008
By the way i read this and didnt understand it

Did you plug in the 4/8-pin CPU power connector.

The only thing i got pluged in is the cpu fan? Am i missing somthing?


Nov 17, 2008
I whiped out the Motherboard Manual and had a quick look because iv packed everything away.. I see a 4 pin connector called ATX_12V_2X4 on the top left next to the VGa_DVI . Could this be it maybe ?

Cheers for the reply mate

Yes, the ATX_12V_2X4 is what we're talking about. Your system has no chance of posting without that plugged in. That's why it's #2 on the checklist.


Nov 17, 2008
Lmao jeez i love you guys :) Would love to bring ya out for a beer on me haha..i just laughed out loud when i read why its #2 on check list haha

Would it be worth investing in a new cpu cooler if i get it going?

And one more thing on the bottom of the heat sick there was like a little gray sticky pad which i hope is some kind of thermal heat thing i touched the corner of it and its definatly sticky :)

Il prob be recieving my Antec 200 Case from Okuk In the next couple of days so il post up again if i get any other issues ?

Cheers guys may all your days be happy :L :D
Keep an eye on your temps when it's running. If they are high (approaching 70's at load temps), I'd look into getting a cooler. You shouldn't need one though if you aren't OC'ng.

Yes, that's thermal paste. Hoepfully you didn't rub it all off.


Nov 17, 2008
None taken :) But yeah i know :) im still learning :) we are all but learners tho :] I had no reall plans anyway for oc just yet as im upgrading from a P4 which is quite slow so prob will be realy happy with the new processor

Oh one more thing i was afraid to mention incase you would say it was the reason for my problem is when i was taking the processor out of the box to have a look i droped it :S:S and bent like 5 pins on the corner..was a night mare rang the place i bought it fro mand tryed to pass it off as their fault :s but he said nah its not under warrentee so then i looked it up was it ok to try and fix my self and it seemed ok once none were broke . So i did a pretty ok job of fixing it and straighting them out with a blade and they all fitted ok afterwards in the socket .. Phew Hope the inside is ok tho


Nov 17, 2008

No i didnt rub any off i just barely touched the corner just to see if it was sticky..

Ok will keep an eye on temps also !
Be sure to read the instructions on how to install the HSF carefully. It seems like a lot of people have a hard time installing the Intel push-pins. I've never had a problem when I installed the HSF with the motherboard outside the case on something like a cardboard box. The push-pins have to be rotated the OPPOSITE direction as the arrows for installation (#12 on the checklist).

CPU is AMD 620 with the locking bar heatsink.

I've had issues with intel's stock fans when I've had to remove them and put it back on. Once the plastic pins bend a little, they aren't the same. The AMD heatsink is less of a pain in the pooper though.