Command prompt reads C:\\> not C:\\. Why?


May 24, 2012
I'm trying to combine pdf's using command prompt and pdftk. it's not recognising my path. the input looks like this
C:\>Users\MattF\Desktop\pdftk 1.pdf 2.pdf 3.pdf cat output 123.pdf
and the out put like this
'Users\MattF\Desktop\\pdftk' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
etc...any help is appreciated.

Never used it, but are you missing a slash after pdftk, or should it have .exe after it ?

C:\>Users\MattF\Desktop\pdftk\ 1.pdf 2.pdf 3.pdf cat

C:\>Users\MattF\Desktop\pdftk.exe 1.pdf 2.pdf 3.pdf cat output
Try some examples from HERE.

The DOS prompt isn't real good at staying on course when being sent to a location to execute a program and involve other files at that terminal location if the DOS prompt is logged on at a different directory (folder) and is being sent across directories to do a job, unless the full path can be included for each file the target program will be acting upon. If the files are all in one directory as well as the pdftk, make the logged-on directory of the DOS prompt be that directory and it will have nowhere else to go and things should work correctly. You can include a "path" command at the DOS prompt that makes it home-in on a directory also if that would be easier, but your output will still be written to the directory the DOS prompt is logged on to unless the output path can be directed in the DOS command string.

Your thread title mentions..
Command prompt reads C:\> not C:\. Why?
Go HERE and you can change what shows in the prompt to whatever you like that is available.