Columns have to be countlessly widened


Aug 26, 2010
How many times a day do you drag a column width so you can read the contents below? For me its at least 20. This is ridiculous. Is there no program that does this automatically? This is such a stupid characteristic of Windows. Probably the same for OS X. It should widen to a set amount or enough to show the entire width of the widest item. How difficult would that be to implement I wonder?


Aug 26, 2010
Yeah - I know those shortcuts but imagining doing that many times a day for nothing? Can't understand why Microsoft or somebody else hasn't fixed this.

Another crazy thing is when a window or message box opens up 1/4 size. Its like turning a page of a magazine an inch at a time. I think this may be for people tiling windows because they can't remember the Alt_Tab shortcut. Not sure. I work in full screen all the time with almost every program. Mouse people tend to use their pointer to bring focus to different windows. Its so unbelievably slow when you look at how they navigate. Keyboard competence is the way to go. Everything gets so fluid.