SLI quick question


Nov 12, 2009
Hey, just got my computer up and running here a few weeks ago, very happy with it :D

christmas was comin up, so i wanted to go SLI!

I have the mobo i want to purchase (and a new processor, for that matter.)

but, the point is, I have a GTS 250 1GB in there now, and i wanted to add another GTS 250, but the 512MB is about $20 cheaper.

I was wondering if i bought the 512MB instead of the 1GB, would that make the graphics power significantly less powerful?

Kirk R
What resolution are you playing at? Unless you are at 1920x1080 or so 512MB is plenty of VRAM but even then it doesnt affect performance too much. Make sure that you have a sufficiently powerful power supply to handle the second card before you install it, you dont want to over draw a cheap PSU, bad things may occur.

Your 1GB card would only be able to use half its memory. That means you will not be able to have as much eye candy (AA) as with two 1Gb cards.
For that resolution i think even a single GTS 250 will suffice,and you won't benefit much from SLI.
About your question about mixing 512 and 1GB:

But what about the memory? Can you add a 7800GTX 512 and use that with 7800GTX 256?
It's recommended to use a 7800GTX 256 with a 7800GTX 256 and 7800GTX 512 with 7800GTX 512.
However you can use a 7800GTX 256 with 7800GTX 512 , BUT the 7800GTX 512 will lower its RAM to 256MB to operate with the other card, so it wont have its true power. (This option isn't recommended. )