5870 in stock at Newegg


Nov 9, 2008
Not sure if it has been said but I know its been rare to see them in stock so I figured I would make a quick post letting everyone know that currently Newegg is showing XFX and HIS versions of the card available


Nov 9, 2008
Well I happened to be browsing through newegg, I saw that they were in stock and I thought to myself..
"self, I wonder if there is even one person that would benefit from or appreciate the knowledge that they are in stock. Perhaps someone who was taking a quick break from their vigilant non stop clicking of the refresh button on newegg waiting for the 5870 to be in stock. Well, there is no way to really say if anyone would appreciate it, but there is no way to be sure unless you try, not only that there is a possibility that if you dont post it someone who could have benefited from such knowledge will go without, all because you were selfish and didn't want to spend just a couple seconds providing a small amount of help that someone could possibly need. That settles it, I will post and if it doesn't help anyone, at least I tried"

I hope that sufficiently answers your question