Power supply sleep/shutdown functions

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Aug 1, 2009

My power supply seems to keep voltage on the 12v and 5v rails during sleep (S3) and shutdown. Long story short, the fans (which are connected by a molex though some are controlled by Mobo) stay on when I put the computer to sleep and when I shut it down.

What exactly controls the PSU's functions during sleep/shutdown? Why would it keep power to the 12v and 5 v molex connectors?

Here is the fun part. This set up worked flawlessly until I reinstalled a clean Windows 7. So I know it can power down the molex power. Even more fun part: it occasionally works normally but once woken up, it cannot put the fans asleep again. It is completely random from what I can tell.

I've tried adjusting so many settings with no luck. I've switched just about ever Bios option I can think of.

Is it a power supply issue? Motherboard? Software? Doesn't make sense to me. It worked fine, then didn't, and I am not sure what changed.

Mobo: DFJ LanParty Jr. P45-T2RS
PSU: SevenTeam ST-850 Z-AF

Any leads would be greatly appreciated.

UPDATE: This morning, the unit went to sleep perfectly (very quickly too I might say). I checked the voltage and 12v and 5v were off on the molex connector. It worked perfectly until I shut the unit down. The computer powered down normally, but the PSU and fans continued to run. After booting, the same problem exists. What changed?!!?

UPDATE 2: I have reason to believe heat might be a factor. Things were working fine for a bit, but after playing a game for a while and bringing the temps up, I tried to put the computer to sleep and the 4 pin fans went full blast, others stayed powered as well.


Aug 1, 2009
UPDATE: This morning, the unit went to sleep perfectly (very quickly too I might say). I checked the voltage and 12v and 5v were off on the molex connector. It worked perfectly until I shut the unit down. The computer powered down normally, but the PSU and fans continued to run. After booting, the same problem exists. What changed?!!?


Aug 1, 2009
I have reason to believe heat might be a factor. Things were working fine for a bit, but after playing a game for a while and bringing the temps up, I tried to put the computer to sleep and the 4 pin fans went full blast, others stayed powered as well.

Any ideas anyone?


Aug 1, 2009
I just went through another complete system reinstall. Everything works perfect except the same sleep issue. The fans and power do not turn off completely either when I shutdown. The CPU fan goes full blast sometimes as well.

Does anyone have a clue what could be going on?
My motherboard BIOS has the option whether or not to shut down completely and cut off all power drawn from the psu. With the default setting some power is still on after shutdown. However, the setting does not affect the fans. The fans shut down properly even when some power is still drawn by the motherboard.

If I remember correctly there may be some sort of power management settings in Windows 7 too that may affect how a system shuts down. Again, it should not affect the fans.

Wonder if there is a conflict of some sort. Maybe temperature sensors are inaccurate.


Aug 1, 2009
I think that you might be onto something JohnnyLucky. I think there might be a lose sensor of some type. I was vacuuming today around the desk and had to move the computer a little bit and now it is working completely normal. This leads me to believe that it is a physical variable and not driver related.

Would this sensor be in the PSU or the motherboard do you think?

Thanks for the help.
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