BSoD Windows 7 64 bit /w .dmp; Need debugging.


Dec 19, 2009
Hey guys I'm looking for some help debugging a BSoD. I installed Windows 7 64 Bit on my neighbors computer and everything was running fine. After updating drivers and doing windows updates she got a BSoD with something about MEMORY_MANAGEMENT. The BSoD only seems to come up when the comp is idle. I was on it for hours straight with no problems and after 10 mins of idle it popped.

I tried to debug it myself but I kept getting errors that I downloaded the wrong symbols. I failed many times, so I was wondering if somebody could figure it out and perhaps give me a better place to look. I doubt it is the actual RAM as it was running flawlessly on XP a couple days ago and fine on 7 until I did some updates.

I have uploaded the .dmp from the Minidump folder. -
