How can i got the password of DSL router

Slim Shady

Sep 14, 2009
If you've setup your own passwords for the Cisco 675/678 and forgotten them, this procedure will help you reset them. CAUTION: This will also erase your router configuration!

Connect your 675/678 to your PC via the management cable (originally supplied with the router - connects between the Cisco 675/678 and your PCs serial port)
Login to the router (using Hyperterminal or other serial port based terminal application)
Note: connect using 9600 baud, 8-N-1, no flow control
Remove, then restore power to the Cisco 675/678
As soon as the Cisco 675/678's red ALARM light comes on, hit Ctrl-C a few times to enter ROM monitor mode
Enter the following two commands:
CBOS# es 6 (erases sector 6)
CBOS# rb (reboots 675/678)
Once the unit reboots (you may need to manually power cycle the router) you can reenter your user info



Your comment has absolutely NOTHING to do with his problem. Make your own thread.


Dec 13, 2009

You will need to do a factory reset, which can be done by sticking something like a pen in the tiny hole on the router (it should say reset back there).

If the default login information isn't posted on the router itself, it's usually fairly easy to find the information via google.

Just type something like "default login information dsl router" just substitute your specific model in for the dsl router. I hope this helps.