How to recover whole HDD after format?


Mar 30, 2012
Hi everyone,

I just did something very stupid, I formatted the wrong external hard drive...
I know it's possible to recover the files, but I'm a bit lost with all the different programs available.
Could someone recommend a free software that will recover every file?
I've been looking online and most software I found allow to recover files one by one, but I haven't found one that will just recover everything.
I used " Minitool partition wizard home edition v7.1" to partition the hdd, I'm pretty sure it did a quick format and not a full format as it only took 2 sec to finish.

If you need more information, please let me know

Thanks in advance for your help!


Dec 9, 2011
Yep, the same applies to GetDataBack.

You can try Recuva, for a free alternative, and compare its results to other (demo) ones.

Some people suggest Partition Recovery, . It has the advantage of being able to "unformat" the drive in an instant, if you're lucky, but I would leave it as a last resort, because it does writing operations on the drive, something you should avoid in a situation like this.


Mar 30, 2012
Thanks for the tips, Getdataback, recuva and Z a recovery are similar to the programs I found on google, I'm still performing a scan with easeus data recovery wizard, it's been going on for 10 hours now and still have 12 more to go. The hdd is 1tb and it only had 10-20gb free. But the problem is, I don't have 1tb free on my other drives to copy the files. So this option will be a hassle as I'll have to find a friend who has a hdd with this much free space...

The second option is Partition recovery which if I understood correctly, I wont need the 1tb of free space, but I have a question about this. I haven't touched the partition on this drive, the only thing I did is format it and I thought the partition recovery programs were for when I deleted the partition. Am I wrong? If I go for this option, will it just undo the quick format I did without having to recover all the files one by one?
I understand as szaboaz said that this option is riskier as it writes on the hdd, but I'd like to understand the differences between these two options.