[Solved] HDD spin up time problem for samsung HD502HJ


Apr 8, 2012
I use samsung hdd last 1 year. thats have no probelem. but few days ago Every time my computer send me a notice ? "windows detected a hard disk problem please

" back up your files immediately to prevent information loss, and then contact the computer manufacturer to determine if you need repair or replace the disk" then i install ashampoo h.d.d control 1.12 and my disk 1 probelem thats is hard disk spin up time problem. so please send me what can i do for this problem

just install ashampoo h.d.d control 1.12 and they seen my disk 1 probelem thats is hard disk spin up time problem.


I have a same hd and same spec with the same diagnosis.

It started for some weeks ago notifiing me about the hardisk problem, but for 4 days ago it took "good night".

Afert a lot strugling I succeded to make a disk recovery. After that I have done a installaton boot choicing windows repair without succeding because MFT (Master File Tabel) is dammaged. Googled around for solutions and I tested out all possible small progs trying to repair corrupted MFT, but nothing has helped.

I have decided to remove the HD and install a new H as the system has notified me that the disk has a problem, I will not take the chance to repair and later have the same problem.

Good luck.