Why I need to re attach my optical mouse


Aug 9, 2011
From few months my optical mouse stops working and when I reattach it in its ps2 port then it works fine
I also tried it with other mouse problem is same
If I use keyboard in that port it works fine

why this problem is?

if you are using PS/2 connectors (or DIN connector before them), this can happen, in fact happens often. switch to USB.
in part, problem is loose connector. the bigger problem is that PS/2 just like old DIN connector do not allow hot plugging.
hot plugging means making connection while device is powered up. so if you have anything (keyboard or mouse) connected to
those ancient IBM ports, choose different interface or get used to it that they can only be connected BEFORE you start computer.
USB is newer...


The socket you plug into may have slightly loose connection sleeves in it. Over time the slight movement of the mouse cord (even just from the weight of the cord) may disconnect one pin in the socket. When you unplug and re-plug, it re-establishes the connection.

There is another more common but similar situation. Over time the metal contact points in the socket and pins slowly oxidize just due to oxygen in the air. The metal oxide layer is a poor conductor. At some point in time, that plus minor movement breaks one pin's connection with the socket. When you unplug and re-plug, that action causes metal surfaces to slide over each other, thus scraping the oxide film off. When I have a problem like yours, I often just unplug and re-connect three or four times to be sure to "scrub" the contacts clean, and the problem goes away for a long time. But it may come back, so then you re-do the "scrubbing" thing.


Mar 25, 2009

if you are using PS/2 connectors (or DIN connector before them), this can happen, in fact happens often. switch to USB.
in part, problem is loose connector. the bigger problem is that PS/2 just like old DIN connector do not allow hot plugging.
hot plugging means making connection while device is powered up. so if you have anything (keyboard or mouse) connected to
those ancient IBM ports, choose different interface or get used to it that they can only be connected BEFORE you start computer.
USB is newer interface and it supports hot-plugging. go with the flow (or suffer...)


Aug 9, 2011
thanks a lot

very good description, and its very possible,now my Pc is 6 year old and my room is full of breeze I think too much dust can be a cause

You know what HDD is doing same nowadays its sata HDD ,But for some time its regularly hanging
this time too my window is hanged
one guy told me it may be cabling problem so looking forward to rectify that