Extending Volume of D: drive?


Mar 19, 2012
I used to dual boot Win7 Win8 CP but just reformatted the Win8 drive and want to put it to good use in my games folder... However, I dont have the option to expand the D: drive, only the C: drive... However, I use my D: drive for games and photoshop stuff, while C: is just downloads and system files, so I need the space on D: however the option is greyed out... Itll only let me expand C:...
heres a pic of the disk management: http://i.imgur.com/GnQHI.jpg
how can I extend D:?
I don't think you can expand it. Normally a partition expands into the space on it's right (in disk management). Basically, I think you can change the ending track/sector for a partition, not the starting track /sector for a partition.

Utiltities out there like partition magic can probably rearrange stuff like this around, but not without risk. Always make sure and have backups before messing with the partition tables.
I don't think you can expand it. Normally a partition expands into the space on it's right (in disk management). Basically, I think you can change the ending track/sector for a partition, not the starting track /sector for a partition.

Utiltities out there like partition magic can probably rearrange stuff like this around, but not without risk. Always make sure and have backups before messing with the partition tables.