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Jun 15, 2010
So I have read a lot about the hexacore processors. They are obviously a bit excessive and unnecessary, but I still can't help wanting 1.

I need to build a new PC, but don't want to get a quadcore only to have 6 cores become standard like next winter or spring with 12 cores becoming the new $1000 intel processor haha.

How do you guys feel about this issue. How long will it take for hexacores to become standard and why does technology need to change so fast. I'm still playin eve online and crap, which takes maybe 1/2 a core lolz...however I am also a dedicated battlefield and supreme commander when battlefield 3 comes out my system better be the business.

Thanks for any tips ya might has. :D


Jun 15, 2010
everything I wrote outlines how it is not an easy decision. I would much rather have the nicest quad core if I knew hexacores were not going to be more developed and cheaper in (lets exaggerate a bit) 2 weeks.

Can you guys see 6 cores becoming standard soon or will that 6 core intel linger above my pricing limits for another year or so? ($1k for a processor)

this would be a lot easier if AMD's 6 core was anywhere near as supercoolneato as intel's...bc AMD is 1/4 of the price abouts.
It's an easy decision as the Hexacore won't become mainstream over the next year. It really makes sense to buy a less expensive processor now and upgrade when you need it to or the price of an Hexacore like the i7-980X decreases significantly (that won't happen over the next 2 weeks).


Jun 15, 2010
haha ya I also feel that the 6 cores may not become anywhere near mainstream in the next year.

Developers probably won't be making games for another 2 years that fully utilize quad cores.

somehow methinks this won't slow the release of 12 core processors lolz

Nope, it wont slow down. Companies still want to increase in profits and it just 1 way of making money is by adding more cores and also some people can use the high number for cores but doesn't want a sever. (Folding@home, boinc, 3d rendering, and others stuff like it comes to mind.)


Apr 20, 2007
I'd personally buy the nicest, most powerful system you can afford right now - never any real point in waiting unless there's a significant architecture change because you'll be waiting forever.

If your budget allows for a six-core then go six-core as you'll have plenty of breathing room as software catches up. If you want a quad to save some cash and get a six-core when they're needed then you can do that too.

Just get the best you can afford now and enjoy.


What processor you want purely depends on what software you want to run.If you are in to video editing, audio/video encoding, heavy stuff like Photoshop then a six-core CPU is good for you.However if you want only gaming, movies, internet etc, then a good dual ore triple core CPU is enough since there are very few well-threaded software as of now.
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