
Jun 23, 2010
I'm a web developer looking to upgrade my system (MB, CPU,MEM). I'm looking at a budget of around $300. The focus is being able to have speed, being able to have 8 major applications running concurrently all the time with no log. I want to remain on XP. What MB/CPU mixes would you recommend. I prefer Gigabyte and AMD.
blckhaze went over your budget. I would go with the first system (SAAIELLO), because you do not need the slightly better CPU from the second and it has more up to date technology. Plus the performance increase provided by the $26 more phenom would not be all that noticeable. Especially considering the quad there is $99. That is impressive. I didn't realize prices had dropped so much.
I'd get this motherboard though:

More room to upgrade your ram as needed.