Where is the case fan connector on my thermaltake element g case?


Jul 4, 2010
I cant find the case fan connector, it is not bundled with the other case wires. Is their some place where it usually is in cases? Has anyone used this case before? Is their something Im missing? Thanks! (first time pc builder). I also cant find the post stereo jumper, where are they?!


Jul 4, 2010
Their are 3 fans in the case, and they all connect through a network of wiring through the depths of the case. I just cant find the cable that is supposed to attach to the mobo jumper, any ideas?
Other than tracing along the cables to find a meeting point then following that, I'm sorry but I cant think of anything, look in all the nooks and crannies you can, maybe tie up all loose wires you can, lift the case and shake it, see if the missing connector rattles?
Sorry I cant be of more use man.


May 2, 2013
The audtio connectors are in a cable that has a Y and the split goes to 2 4-in connectors...one for AC-97 audio and one for HD Audio, and the connectors ARE MARKED. it doesn't get much easier really. Try pulling out the little picture book that came with your case...it explains "most" things. (except which side of HDD lead is ground when the s are both identical in color & design...) It's in the bundle of cables that run from teh top of the case behind the mobo to the back...you need to route them in through the proper hole that goes to the jack on the mobo...and you have to read the mobo manual for that. YOu really can't connect everything without reading teh manual for your motherboard...I look at pictures for both case & mobo side by side while connecting everything...the motherboard manual will explain every connection on the board in pretty good detail usually.