Cyclic Redundency Check on my WD 1TB MyBook


Mar 27, 2012
Hey guys,

I have a full WD 1 TB My Book drive (900 GBs of data) that I bought 2 years back, and today upon opening a folder it took couple of mins, explorer became Not Responding and finally (like 5 mins later) it asked me to format the drive.

I tried opening that very same folder using CMD, it printed one line (Cylic Redundency Check), tried opening a different folder and it was able to open it. (so i'm guessing not all is lost)

I honestly couldn't care less about the drive itself compared with the data stored on it.

I'm planning to buy another 1 TB drive (probably gonna go with seagate this time :D (probably the GoFlex, other suggestions are welcome)

My question is how much data I might lose due to this error and what is the best way to recover most of the data from the old drive to the new one?

Thanks guys


your hard disk is failing. dont use it much, or u many end up with serious trouble. First try to make a image of the whole drive (exact copy of ur whole hard disk with whatever error present). On that image , do what ever data recovery solution u want to apply. Many disk image tools r available some r free. Do a online search.