Unable to install OS



when i put boot OS CD in cd drive and start computer. Its recognisinge CD and showing installing...... but in few minutes, everything got dissappeared on monitor.. I have tried restart and install. but same problem. When I tried with W2K os. Its working fine.
but with installing other os.. problem.. please help me


Doing what p4nz3rm4d suggests is asking for a big headache. When you install any Windows OS (and I expect others are much the same). the Install process takes an inventory of all the hardware devices present in the machine (and more than half of these are actually parts built into the mobo) and installs the required device drivers for them. If you then move the HDD to another machine and try to boot from it, it has a whole bunch of drivers for devices the new machine does not have, and it's missing drivers for devices it does have. Most of the time this measn your machine can't boot. The solution that usually works (but not always is to boot again in the new machine from your Install Cd and choose a Repair Install instead of a normal Install. This usually can resolve all the mismatched driver issues and get you going. BUT note that this requires booting from the Install Disk in the new machine - something you say you cannot do!!

You need to resolve why the Install process is failing. Maybe your Install CD is faulty, or dirty. Trying to do an install on another machine as p4nz3rm4d suggests IS an option here - JUST as a test! If you can Install on another machine, the HDD and the Install CD are OK. BUT if it fails there, too, in the same manner, that would point to a bad Install CD.


Apr 15, 2009
If you do what p4nz3rm4d recommended, you will have to do an windows repair kinda thing. If you can't install windows without it flickering out on you, i doubt you'll be about to a repair.