Boot Partition Help


Nov 30, 2010
Okay, I have 2 hard drive partitions, both are running windows 7.
Long story short I only want the 2nd partition. If i were to delete the 1st partition, when i try to boot up it gives me an error of "No Boot Manager, Press Ctrl + Alt + Del to restart computer".
Looking in Disk manager I've noticed that the far left of all my partitions must have an operating system in order to boot. Is there any way to move my 2nd partition to the far right?

I'm sure I'm making you guys weep because of my stupidity, but your help is much appreciated.
Do you have one hard drive or more than one , because in the bios under boot sequence you want the hdd with the os listed first. If you have only one hdd and you deleted the first partition then the space left would be unalocated and the bios would not see the os on the second partition so what you want to do is right click on the second partition and select extend the partition and that would make the whole drive your boot drive.