Windows 8 Won't Shut Down By The Power Button


Dec 30, 2012

I just upgraded to Windows 8 but I'm not able to shut down, or restart my computer via the settings tab.

Also, My Num locks key is always off when I first start my PC.

Can anyone help me?

Thank you!


Oct 27, 2012
You will have to go into the bios options of the board if it is a tower system, or a laptop.
In there there are some options, first of all to do with the keyboard, look for and option that says usb legacy device mode make sure it is turned on the numlock Led should be lit up and on after this is enabled.
Next you will need to go to the advanced Cpu menu or the power mode settings. In there it should say something about APCI this is where you tell the board what to do for example when you shut down the computer via windows for example Shut down or Hibernate for a quick restart.
If the options are there set what we call the S modes to S1-S3 or S1-S4.
save the settings before exiting the bios. Load windows and test to see if the shutdown or hibernate options work. they should do as its the most common reason for the problem you are having the power modes of the board not setup in the bios section of the motherboard.