Is there any difference in performance betwn these cpu?


Nov 17, 2009
Is there any significant difference in performance between these cpu?

a)AMD Athlon II X2 260 Regor 3.2GHz
b)AMD Athlon II X2 255 Regor 3.1GHz
c)AMD Athlon II X2 250 Regor 3.0GHz
d)AMD Athlon II X2 245 Regor 2.9GHz

If they don't have much difference, should I just go for AMD Athlon II X2 245 Regor 2.9GHz which is the cheapest one among these cpu. The price difference between the weakest one and strongest one in this list is $10 and the other ones' price fall in between them. Srry these are the only cpu Im considering for my budget so please dont recommend me any expensive cpu but only the ones here.



Apr 10, 2009
just the speed.. and possibly oem vs retail packaging (no heatsink/fan with oem package)

I know you said no to other recommendations but
you could go triple core for less than 10$ more .. and quad for 20$ more.

I'd go for something like
triple core for 75. with Heatsink/fan

quadcore for 88-- no fan

if you are spending a couple hundred to put something together

eat some ramen noodles for a couple days and dont cheap out of the processor.. you be happier later.

I agree with rand.

I'd also like to add that from a value performance standpoint, I would never pay above $5 for a .1GHz clockspeed bump. And I would only pay that much to go from 2.9GHz to 3GHz for bragging rights.
There will not be a noticeable difference between any of them. What will the system be used for?


You won't see a difference out side of benchmarks, and even that is very minimal as those 100mhz gains will only offer about 3% performance gain or less.

I would how ever highly recommend you get an Athlon II X3 if you can fit it into the budget, 3rd core will really help system responsiveness and overall performance.